TWS auto logouts everyday. How to let it auto restart?

As everyone knows, IB TWS need to be restart everyday. This is bothered for traders who is doing auto-trading.

We can use a script to mornitor TWS realtime. If it was closed, the script will restart it immediately.

We suggest AutoHotkey to do the job. You can download this tool at the official site, or at the download page.

After AutoHotkey installed, you can take the below script as reference to make your script.


; Compile to EXE with encryption to save password
; Utility code that restarts TWS after it gets killed during daily logout

USER := “edemo”
PASS := “demouser”

TWS_DIR := “C:\Jts\952″
TWSPath := “C:\Jts\952\tws.exe”

SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
If (!WinExist(“IB Trader Workstation”)) and (!WinExist(“Interactive Brokers”))
SetTitleMatchMode 3
IfWinNotExist, Login
Run, %TWSPath% %Args% username=%USER% password=%PASS%, %TWS_DIR%
SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
WinClose, Login
Run, %TWSPath% %Args% username=%USER% password=%PASS%, %TWS_DIR%
; check every 2 minutes
Sleep 120000

Script also can be download here. AutoRestartTWS.ahk